Week 14, future of comics/online comics
I love that you mentioned "Cyanide and Happiness" for an online comic we should check out. I'm pretty sure I had their app in middle school, and their comics would make my day. I love their stuff so much. I checked out "Radio Silence" and it seems like a its a promising online comic. The art style is charming and to the point, and I'm always a sucker for stories that revolve around bands. In the past, I have read up on online comics. I tried with "Homestuck", I really really tried. It was very difficult to read because the timeline is very much out of order and the story doesn't REALLY start until about 500 pages in. SNAFU comics was an interesting fanfic/crossover comic that caught my attention too. I also loved that throughout the years, the artist's art style improved immensely. However, I stopped reading because I realized that the artist had some concerning interests with the young female protagonists. I've heard a lot about C