
Showing posts from February, 2019

week five: body talk: eisner and thompson

I had Blankets in the past, and reread it about four times. Blankets is one of my favorite graphic novels because its not common to find a story as real and heart touching as Blankets. I'm also a sucker for amazing visual metaphors/symbolism. One scene in particular when Craig is guilted for sinning, there's a scene where he tries to reach for a portrait of Jesus in remorse, but is too short to reach. No matter what he did he couldn't satiate Christ. Each panel flowed to the next seamlessly and I loved how the novel played with reality and imagination. Some people said that there was a bit too much filler in the book, but I like it when I can exist in another world and watch how they live.

week three, trip to the library for comic strips

On our venture to the library, I looked more in depth at comic strips than I ever have in the past. I looked at comic strisp such as Blondie, Annie, Little Nemo, and others. I mostly enjoyed the auto biography of Al Capp. I've always been interested in autobiographical pieces. However, this was the first instance that I read a autobiographical comic strip about a handicapped cartoon artist. I rarely hear about disabled artists in cartoons, let alone from this time period. The way that Al Chapp presented his life in the comic strip was very fun and friendly. I could kind of see myself in his shoes, especially when he drew himself while figure drawing and sitting on a drawing horse.